Diwan Products

Oannïs 8 e-Book Reader
Legacy Product
This is a legacy product and no loger developed or supported.
Diwan’s Oannïs 8 e-Book Reader is an electronic books reader oriented towards educational use by providing important, simple and efficient features that learners may need while reading. It is both practical and friendly and helps you in organizing and managing your E-book libraries.Oannïs enables the most important active reading practices recommended by all academic material discussing this field: marking important sections, adding notes and questions, and sharing information with others. Research shows these features speed up reviewing, improve comprehension and memorization.
Allowing users to practice useful reading habits is one of the main design goals of this application. The design of the application also focuses on clarity and readability of text on screen.
Moreover, you can play audio and video files, as well as play interactive games and animations that you can find inside EPUB books. It also allows you to print, search text, bookmark pages amongst other things.